Brooke and Meredith met in college at the University of Texas, Hook ‘em! Meredith stayed in Austin and landed a job in the high tech world while Brooke went back to Dallas to start her design career. Meredith eventually became burned out of the corporate grind and took some time off to have a family. Meanwhile Brooke continued her career as an interior designer and she moved back to Austin to raise her young family. Meredith then began her second career as an interior designer with little ones at home. Fast forward to 2016 when Brooke called Meredith and ask her to partner up. The rest is history!


Meredith Lamme | Founder & Lead Designer

Morning Beverage: Sumatra coffee with unsweetened almond milk
Guilty Pleasure: Binge watching Game of Thrones on a Saturday
Restaurant: Clark’s Oyster Bar in both Austin and Aspen
Favorite Places: Home in Austin with my family, Colorado mountains and Florida beaches
Movie: Sixteen Candles
Drink: I’m a wine girl
Favorite Quote: “Anything is possible.”


Brooke Wilbratte | Founder & Lead Designer

Morning Beverage: Moroccan mint green tea
Guilty Pleasure: Naps on the weekends
Restaurant: Uchi or Uchiko in Austin
Favorite Places: Austin, Italy and a beach...any beach
Movie: The Holiday
Drink: Wine, wine and more wine
Favorite Quote: “Actions speak louder than words.”



Cheri Ryan | Design Assistant

Morning Beverage: Lemon water + Starbucks unsweetened cold coffee
Guilty Pleasure: Simultaneously watching Netflix + looking at Pinterest
Favorite Places: Home, kayaking on Lady Bird Lake, the hill country, Ocean Beach and Palm Springs
Movie: My Best Friend’s Wedding
Drink: Fruit infused skinny margarita
Favorite Quote: “Have a vision. It is the ability to see the invisible. If you can see the invisible, you can achieve the impossible.”